贡坡(普提查·克瑟辛 Put Puttichai 饰)怎么也没有想到,自己的父亲会在临终前更改遗嘱,将巨额的遗产留给了一个名叫楠能(Lily Pansirithanachote 饰)的陌生少女。愤怒的贡坡决心亲手夺回本该属于他的东西,无论使用怎样的手段。贡坡向楠能展开了热情的攻势,只要楠能能够成为她的妻子,那么贡坡就能够名正言顺的...
GMM25新剧将于7月30日开播.该剧由8位来自真人秀的小鲜肉主演,剧中他们是一群贵族学校的高中生, Toi和Foei联合起来想要打破学校不公平的制度,但他俩打小就是对头,又喜欢上了同一个女孩,事情开始变得复杂. 和其他青春剧不同的是,这部剧的角色性格由演员性格放大而来.
MCMILLIONS - This documentary series chronicles the stranger-than-fiction story of an ex-cop turned security auditor who rigged the McDonald’s Monopoly game promotion for a decade, stealing millions of dollars and building a vast network of co-conspirators across the U.S. The series draws on ...
CBS早前预订《X档案 The X-Files》制片人Frank Spotnitz的剧集《赎回 Ransom》,由在《黑帆 Black Sails》饰演Woodes Rogers的Luke Roberts主演。该剧自14年开始开发,与法国﹑德国及加拿大合作拍摄。而现在有Sarah Greene﹑Brandon Jay McLaren﹑Nazneen Contractor加盟该剧 该剧是根据有丰富经验的危机谈判专家Lau...
Zac is a teenage boy who decides to camp on Mako Island, unaware that three mermaids, Sirena, Nixie and Lyla, who are guardians of the island, are watching him. That night, when the full moon rises, the boy comes into contact with the magic water of the Moon Pool. The following morning, Zac w...
由曾获艾美提名的制片人Peter Berg(制作了NBC台《Friday Night Lights》)和Alexandra Cunningham(制作了《Desperate Housewives》)即将又推新剧——《头号嫌犯》,故事主要围绕着纽约警局自杀案组的警员而发生。曾主演《A History of Violence》的女星Maria Bello将扮演性格坚强的女警探Jane Timoney。她自信专注...