A documentary on the unrest in Ukraine during 2013 and 2014, as student demonstrations supporting European integration grew into a violent revolution calling for the resignation of President Viktor F. Yanukovich.
Current Theega is a Telugu Action Comedy Romance directed by G. Nageswara Reddy. The village headman Sivarama Raju (Jagapathi Babu) has three daughters and the youngest one is Kavitha. Raju is a happy-go-lucky young man who drools over the super-hot teacher (Sunny Leone). He tries to win over...
Ten years ago, Ginny (Toni Gonzaga), an Architecture student, and Marco (Piolo Pascual), a History professor, began a one-of-a-kind and unpredictable love story. In the five years that they were together, they brought out the best in each other, which included Marcos unrealized dream of becom...
Tamar 是育有2女的年轻寡妇,跟村里众多男性有不正常的关系。 某天Shai 来到小镇,为了处里妈妈的后事短暂逗留。在他爱上了Tarmar之后决定长住下来,但是他一个人可以满足Tarmar吗?
新学期伊始,教师与学生们返回一所普通的社区学校。法语老师兼班主任的弗朗索瓦·马林(François Bégaudeau 饰)面对升一年级的新班级,继续用坦诚又有些好辩的方式教学,这群14岁左右的学生思维活跃,时常在宽松的课堂上反诘马林或是斗嘴、传播八卦,马林不得不一次次中断进度,解决无数琐碎的...