《猎杀行动》(Hunted)首集中,顶级私人情报与安全机构Byzantium公司的特工Sam Hunter(Melissa George)前往摩洛哥北海岸港口城市丹吉尔(Tangier)执行一项例行任务,然而在此过程中她遭人暗算,差点丢掉性命。Sam不知道谁想要杀她,于是偷偷躲到一个偏远的地方治伤并重新振作精神。一年之后,已经完全康复的Sam...
The eight toon "participants" are parodies of famous cartoon figures Spanky Ham is a downloaded internet cartoon as mentioned in a previous episode (Newgrounds.com). Captain Hero is like Superman (DC Comics). Ling-Ling is like Pikachu from Pokémon (Nintendo Games). Xandir is like Link from Th...
Starring Walton Goggins, sees Harry Clarke, Leyla Toumi and George White entangled in the dangerous world of the deep state as they set their sights on Mali, a country replete in vast natural resources. Also starring Victoria Hamilton, Anastasia Griffith, Alexander Siddig, Zainab Jah, and Lil...
When Star Butterfly destroys her wand to save her best friend Marco Diaz, a new unicorn takes place of the dead one. Now Star only has half of the star on her wand and it has been cleaved. She needs all the pieces of the wand but the other half was lost in the explosion. Join Star and Marco i...
In a near-future city where soaring opulence overshadows economic hardship, Gwen and her daughter Jules do all they can to hold on to their joy together, despite the instability surfacing in their world.
Adam Rutherford meets a new creature created by American scientists - the spider-goat. It is part goat, part spider, and its milk can be used to create artificial spiders web. It is part of a new field of research, synthetic biology, with a radical aim: to break down nature into spare parts ...
Starz拉丁裔题材半小时新剧《Vida》讲述了来自洛杉矶东区两个墨西哥裔美籍姐妹Emma和Lyn,两人大不同之余还很疏离。当现实让她们必须回到小时候生活的街区后,她们在那里找到了关于她们母亲的过去和惊人的真相。Mishel Prada饰演Emma,与自己的姐妹和母亲都很疏远,非常不愿意回家参加母亲的葬礼及处理家族产业。Mel...
本剧为历史频道热门迷你剧《圣经故事》(The Bible)的续集,这部12集的迷你剧描述耶稣死后「圣地」(Holy Land)各派爆发激烈冲突。社会公众强烈要求获得公正待遇,罗马军队对老百姓进行残酷镇压,宗教社团骚乱不安,大祭司和希律大帝争权夺利,狂热的革命者为夺回他们自己的「应许之地」诉诸武力。与此同时,一小...