We all tell little white lies everyday, be it for self-protection, success or love. But what happens when a spur-of-the-moment mistruth snowballs out of hand? Will the liar get away with it, or will the lie inevitably come undone, to devastating effect? Set on the shopfloor and in the offices...
这部记录剧是《纽约黑帮纪实》(The Making of The Mob: New York)的续篇,故事讲述了黑帮头目Al Capone早年在纽约的发家史,后来他将大本营迁到了芝加哥,与童年时代的导师共同控制芝加哥的犯罪世界。禁酒令颁布之后,这座城市的黑帮团伙为了垄断私酒生意而发生火拼,Capone决心挑战所有的竞争对手。他的实力在武...
WGN America制作的剧集《Outsiders》将与1月26日首播,本剧讲述了一个不与外界来往的生活在阿拉巴契亚山脉的一个家庭的故事,由David Morse、Thomas M. Wright、Ryan Hurst、Joe Anderson、Gillian Alexy、Kyle Gallner、Christina Jackson、Francie Swift和Phyllis Somerville领衔主演。剧集讲述了这个生活在极其偏...