Created by Phil Matarese and Mike Luciano and produced by Duplass Brothers Television, Animals. focuses on the downtrodden creatures native to Earth’s least-habitable environment: New York City. Whether it’s lovelorn rats, gender-questioning pigeons or aging bedbugs in the midst of a midlife ...
A film about love, acceptance and courage. A simple love story between Toey and Oat.
Nani (Allari Naresh) is a trepid and fearful guy who works as a software engineer. Bullet (Sakshi Chaudhary) is a mafia don in Dubai. Her mother doesnt know about Bullets profession. Bullet is forced to come back to India when her mother falls ill. Her mothers last wish is to get Bullet marri...
本片起用大量素人演员,故事剧情建构在片中演出者的真实人生上,但写实之外,导演更点入了许多神奇超现实的荒诞色彩,夜晚现身的俄罗斯蓝眼猫,缓缓升空的火箭,包含诸多暗示和寓意,搭配壮丽湖泊及美如人间天堂的村景,使得电影中处处充满诗意和平静,被喻为该年度威尼斯影展最大惊喜。 俄罗斯北部一座与世隔绝的岛...
办公室是一个讲述了Dunder-Mifflin 纸品公司斯克兰顿分公司的工作人员们的日常生活记录形式的节目。他们努力与大型连锁超市及现代技术竞争。他们否定一切事情-无论是减小经营规模的可能或是他们自身的微不足道。但至少到现在为止对这个小镇来说斯克兰顿分公司仍然有足够的吸引力,它任然生存着。 他们的领军人物是地...