Öznur is a young and beautiful woman. She has had a platonic love since childhood to Kudret, who is her cousin. Kudret, however, is married to a woman named Nisa and is very happy. Jealous, Öznur uses terrible black magic to change this so that she and Kudret will be together. However, she is...
A group of diverse individuals are suddenly taken from their homes and flown via helicopter to a futuristic bomb shelter in the desert, one-third of a mile below the surface of the Earth. There, they learn that a nuclear holocaust is taking place and that they've been "chosen" ...
A college student, on her way home from visiting her mother, gets stuck with a group of people at a mountain rest stop during a blizzard. Things take a turn for the worse when the young woman discovers a kidnapped child in a car belonging to one of the
Little Wing tells the story of 12-year-old Varpu (Linnea Skog), who's quickly growing to adulthood, and about her mother (Paula Vesala), who doesn't want to grow up. Varpu lives with her mother and has never met her father. One night Varpu has enough of her riding buddies and her moth...
土耳其死火山口内,神秘的史前怪兽正悄然孵化。 一群美国探险队来到这个神秘的小岛。与此同时,为了追踪跨国贩毒分子,伯根上尉率领着一支特种部队也来到火山夫附近。很快,令人惊悚的谜底被揭开了——他们竟然遭遇了数量庞大的史前侏罗纪恶龙的攻击,这些巨大而凶猛的食肉动物,双翼展开足有40英尺长,仿佛饥饿了几千...