Callan (Brian Austin Green) returns to the scene with his team in order to oppose the return of the evil Gunnar (Vinnie Jones); his path crosses again with Frank Nitti (Tom Sizemore) detective under the city of Los Angeles.
Arrowhead is an interstellar Jekyll and Hyde, a survival story of a stranded mercenary who discovers the deadliest creature on the seemingly planet is himself.
What if it made perfect sense for ordinary people to kill each other for money? Better than slow grinding financial ruin and misery, and all done according to a strict code by consenting adults. This is Trading.
蜡笔小小生 类型:剧情/ 喜剧/ 动作 导演:朱延平g u 编剧:- 主要演员:郝劭文n 吴孟达n 朱茵a i n i 金城武i o 鬼灵精怪的小生(郝劭文饰)父亲娶了新妻子,小生因得罪了新妈妈而给父亲责骂,赌气离家出走。小生游荡中认识了校工达叔(吴孟达饰),多番纠缠之下终获达叔收留。达叔暗恋一名卖花的盲女(朱茵饰),...
坎 (托尼·贾 Tony Jaa 饰)是一名身怀绝技,通晓泰拳的拳师,实力强大的他甘于平淡生活,与自己视为弟弟的大象生活在乡间,一人一象朝夕相处,感情非常深厚。但好景不常,坎的大象被黑社会集团盯上,并要出高价买走。遭到坎的强烈拒绝后黑社会集团悻悻离去,谁知次日坎的大象失踪了。为此坎一路追查到底,却意外发...
丹尼尔(马丁·康普斯顿 Martin Compston 饰)和长相彪悍的维克特(埃迪·马森 Eddie Marsan 饰)在狱中相识,维克特胆大凶狠,一心干票大买卖远走他乡。服刑期间他将目光锁定在20岁的富家女爱丽丝·克莉德(杰玛·阿特登 Gemma Arterton 饰)身上,于是出狱后策划和丹尼尔绑架爱丽丝勒索巨额赎金。经过一番缜密策划,他...