Goro, a criminal mastermind, plot to steal a massive cache of gold from the Rossini family. Unbeknownst to Goro and his soldiers of fortune, one of Rossini's guest is a highly trained foreign operative who fights to not only save the hostages and the gold, but his imperiled fam...
The film is a strange and anti-hero transposition of a very popular animated manga cartoon in the 80s called Stell Jeeg. Here, a young outlaw (Enzo) is somehow affected by radioactive waste in the Tiber waters in Rome. He subsequently finds out he has gained super powers and interprets them a...
法兰克福,1937年5月,世界上最大的飞艇兴登堡正准备飞往纽约。这个庞然大物是德国的骄傲。但它有一个致命的缺陷:由于美国禁止出售氦气给德国,兴登堡采用的燃料是极易发生爆炸的氢气。更火上浇油的是,飞艇的设计师麦顿·克罗格得知有人在飞艇上安防了一颗炸弹。兴登堡无疑成为了一个随时会爆炸的巨型火药桶。 在莱...