Ray is in the boutique simulated abduction business. It's an understandably threadbare market, so he jumps at the chance when a mysterious call contracts him for a weekend kidnapping with a handsome payday at the end. But the job isn't all that it seems.
因为妇产科护士坦承12年前将有钱中产阶级的Quesnoy家的男孩与下层阶级Groselle(北非移民)家的女孩掉包,现在Quesnoy不想交还女 儿,还想把儿子Momo买过来。Momo是在粗野恶劣的家庭环境中长大的早熟聪明圆滑小惯窃,但是他到了Quesnoy家却把他们弄得鸡犬不宁。这是一部社会讽刺剧,对有钱阶级和没钱阶级同时进行炮...
胖女郎珊因体型肥胖加上动作迟缓, 打工屡次被辞退, 影响她做人消极, 缺乏自信心. 珊认识另一身躯肥胖的麦包, 他的性格却甚为乐观, 时常鼓励珊, 并且因为他积极和乐天的个性, 使珊父去除顽固, 与子女关系改善. 珊与麦在一商场当便衣保安, 追查炸弹勒索事, 先是乌龙百出, 正当面临被辞退时, 二人发现线索, 施展浑身解...