This four-part miniseries explores the changing landscape of social and class divisions inturn of the century England through the prism of three families: the intellectual and idealistic Schlegels, the wealthy Wilcoxes from the world of business, and the working class Basts.
Mike Ross是一个年轻聪明的大学辍学生,他远离了过去贩毒的生活,来到纽约最著名的律师Harvey Specter所在的律师事务所面试。Harvey已经看厌了千篇一律的法学院毕业生,他在见识到Mike的天赋和过目不忘的能力后绝对赌一把,让他做副手。“诉讼双雄”携手展开了他们的正义之旅。 M和H组成了常胜队伍,尽管Mike是一个天...
Inside No. 9 returns to BBC Two on Thursday the 26th of March for six more ingenious genre slices of horror, suspense and psychology. Those who were rattled and gripped by the first round of half-hour plays from Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith know to expect to be skilfully sucker-punche...