【仙履奇缘3: 时间魔法】是一个全新的故事,跟第二集以短篇合集的方式并不同,在第三集的故事当中,Cinderella 那位坏心的后母居然发现了魔法的秘密,便去偷了神仙教母的魔杖,用魔法让时光倒流,让仙度瑞拉如今的幸福化為泡影,恢復当初灰姑娘时期受到虐待的生活。 本片由Frank Nissen 执导,编剧则由 Steve Benc...
Zac is a teenage boy who decides to camp on Mako Island, unaware that three mermaids, Sirena, Nixie and Lyla, who are guardians of the island, are watching him. That night, when the full moon rises, the boy comes into contact with the magic water of the Moon Pool. The following morning, Zac w...