As her marriage dissolves, a Manhattan writer takes driving lessons from a Sikh instructor with marriage troubles of his own. In each others company they find the courage to get back on the road and the strength to take the wheel.
改编自乔治·吉尔曼(George G. Gilman)的同名畅销小说,概述被称为“史上最暴力的西部题材小说“。《刀锋》的背景设定于1868年,《环太平洋》男星麦克斯·马蒂尼(Max Martini)饰演一位曾经担任警长的牛仔,特立独行的他将用自己的方式在荒芜的西部土地上主持正义。《刀锋》由《钢铁侠3》(Iron Man 3)导演肖恩·布莱克(Sha...
共分为六集介绍:一、眼见为实 (seeing is believing)二、大爆炸 the Big Bang)三、宇宙炼金术 Cosmic Alchemy)四、黑暗四周 On the Dark Side)五、黑洞 Black holes and Beyond)六、终极答案 (an Answer to Everything)