一个虚构的年代背景,经济萧条,人人自危,甚至要以人肉为食物赖以生存。 一幢破败的房子里住在屠夫一家。他们亦靠屠宰人肉为食。诡秘荒诞的色调下,屠夫挥舞着明晃晃的刀宰杀人肉。而这幢楼,还住着各式充满诡异色彩的人物:吃蜗牛的住客、对自杀非常迷恋的女人,爱切罐头的男子…… 他们说过,如果没有外来的食物补...
《超蓬勃》以诗选剧类型开发,每季探索一个撼动商业世界核心并改变文化的故事。第一季《优步之战》改编自Mike Isaac的纪实文学《热血野心/恣意橫行(台) Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber》,由《亿万》的两位主创Brian Koppelman及 David Levien负责。
A man named Salem escapes from an insane asylum where he was confined for an axe-murder. Falsely convicted under a plea of "guilty due to insanity", he does not plan to let his sister and her husband forget that they were responsible for the murder of a farmhand and for his cruel i...
Because I could not stop for Death, he kindly stopped for me; the carriage held but just ourselves and immortality” – Emily Dickinson If Death took a holiday, the guns would go silent in Iraq, the slaughter on our nation’s highways would cease, and the news media would be compelled to cover ...