Roman teenager Atti is forced to join the Roman army when one of his clever schemes falls foul of Emperor Nero. He is sent to "miserable, cold, wet Britain" where "the natives are revolting - quite literally". Things go from bad to worse when Atti is captured by Orla, a feisty teenage Celt de...
布鲁斯·诺兰是纽约州布法罗电视台《人类奇闻》节目的金牌记者,身边还有个漂亮的女友格雷斯。可是名誉和爱情都无法让布鲁斯对生活充满感激,他总是对各种各样的小事情抱怨不断。 在一个糟糕透顶的日子里,布鲁斯怒不可遏地抱怨、骂街,进而开始诅咒上帝。没想到这一诅咒倒把上帝他老人家请下了凡尘。化成人形的上帝...