饰演斯巴达克斯这一经典角色。第三季将从罗马指挥官Gaius Claudius Glaber被击败开始。斯巴达克斯和他的手下在维苏威奥之战后尝到了胜利的果实,而这些胜利则缔造了斯巴达克斯神样的传说,使得奴隶叛乱大大增加,超过了3万余起。罗马终于开始感受并正视斯巴达克斯所带来的威胁。[2] 《斯巴达克斯:诅咒者之战》于201...
饰演斯巴达克斯这一经典角色。第三季将从罗马指挥官Gaius Claudius Glaber被击败开始。斯巴达克斯和他的手下在维苏威奥之战后尝到了胜利的果实,而这些胜利则缔造了斯巴达克斯神样的传说,使得奴隶叛乱大大增加,超过了3万余起。罗马终于开始感受并正视斯巴达克斯所带来的威胁。[2] 《斯巴达克斯:诅咒者之战》于201...
三姐弟在一场大火中失去了父母,继承了父母留下的一大笔遗产。因为年龄尚小,只能到了法定年龄才能动用这笔钱。于是,三姐弟被暂时带到远房亲戚奥拉夫(金·凯瑞 Jim Carrey饰)家,由奥拉夫来抚养。 姐姐维奥莱特(艾米莉·布朗宁 Emily Browning饰)是个善于发明创作的小精灵,弟弟克劳斯则博闻强识,是个地道的小博...
Harry Callahan - or Dirty Harry as he is known from the previous four movies in this series - is investigating a strange betting game. A list of local celebrities has been handed out, and bets are being taken on who will be the first to die. Things start to get interesting when the name Harry...
Harry Callahan - or Dirty Harry as he is known from the previous four movies in this series - is investigating a strange betting game. A list of local celebrities has been handed out, and bets are being taken on who will be the first to die. Things start to get interesting when the name Harry...