苏联解体前夕的1987年,其时还是社会主义国家的罗马尼亚仍有明确法律禁止堕胎。布加勒斯特被男友抛弃的女大学生Gabita意外怀孕,她的室友兼好友Otilia(Anamaria Marinca)决定帮她秘密堕胎。通过朋友的介绍,两人联系到了愿意做手术的医生,并估算着筹集到了一笔数目不小的钱。 不想,她们所筹的钱无法满足医生的要...
On April 13, 2017, VH1 renewed the series for a tenth season, scheduled to began airing on March 22, 2018. Casting for Season 10 opened and later ended on May 7, 2017. This season will be the first to have Untucked premiere on VH1 along with Season 10. The promo theme this season is neon. Pro...