The complete eighth series of the ITV crime thriller based on the novels by Ann Cleeves. The show follows Detective Chief Inspector Vera Stanhope (Brenda Blethyn), Detective Sergeant Aiden Healy (Kenny Doughty) and their team as they carry out various murder investigations across Northumberla...
Janet is promoted to sergeant but steps down to give it to Rachel as she feels she is needed more at home. The pair join the search for eighteen year old Robin McKendrick, a simple lad reported missing by his boss, landlord John Rivington. Pub regulars are unforthcoming until a boy called Joh...
Based on the bestselling Inspector Stanhope books by award-winning writer Ann Cleeves, Vera and her team are drawn into four more compelling mysteries, including the death of a wildlife ranger, left alone overnight on a remote and inaccessible island. Set around Newcastle and the stunning Nor...
Kaitlin Olson是女主角,扮演Mackenzie “Mickey” Murphy,生活潦倒、说话粗鲁、烟不离手的女人。因为她那富得流油的妹妹为了逃避联邦起诉而逃离了美国, 只好搬到康涅狄格州的格林威治,去照顾妹妹那些已宠坏的孩子。她很快知道一件众人皆知的事:别人家的就是熊孩子。 Sofia Black D’Elia 扮演Sabrina,Mickey照顾...
Starz宣布,正传第3季,也是最新一季的《斯巴达克斯》将是该系列的最后一季,定名为《斯巴达克斯:诅咒者之战》(Spartacus: War of the Damned)。事实上,《斯巴达克斯》第三季在新西兰拍摄,连姆·麦肯泰尔(Liam McIntyre)领衔众卡司,饰演斯巴达克斯这一经典角色。第三季将从罗马指挥官Gaius Claudius Glaber被击败...