1942年秋天,人类史上最惨烈的一场战争在寒冷的土地上爆发。德国人穿越伏尔加河抵达对岸斯大林格勒设防固守,苏联红军与对手展开城市争夺战,双方你来我往,城市化作废墟焦土,成千上万人死亡,放眼望去俨然人间地狱。在一次反攻行动中,苏军严重伤亡,仅有大尉格罗莫夫(彼得·费奥多罗夫 Pyotr Fyodorov 饰)率领的...
Paramutual Pictures wants to know where all the money is going so they hire Morty to be their spy. Morty works for Mr. Sneak and gets a job in the mail room so that he can have access to the lot. But all that Morty ever finds is that he can cause havoc no matter what he does.