Based on real events, the drama is told in two time frames and follows the events that led up to the murder and the drama of the trial. Ray (Barratt) and his 23-year-old brother Nathan (Tarpey) are arrested after stabbing their mother’s partner. Whatever the circumstances that have led ...
因为一场事故,年轻人、老人、富人、穷人……原本不相干的一帮华沙人的命运,在关键的11 分钟内,被联系到了一起。从此,他们的人生轨迹改变。
The world is closing in on Greta Driscoll. On the cusp of turning fifteen she cant bear to leave her childhood, it contains all the things that give her comfort in this incomprehensible new world. She floats in a bubble of loserdom with her only friend Elliott, until her parents throw her a s...