Based on the novel by Larry Duplechan, this film is a powerful coming-of-age story about 17-year-old Randy Rousseau. A devout high school choir boy, Randy is struggling to come to terms with his sexuality in a small, religiously-conservative Mississippi town he calls home. Randy juggles his r...
Documentary about the entire career of Daft Punk, from their start in early 90s with their first group called Darlin, until their grammy awards in 2014. We learn how the artists have built their music, their image and all aspects of their inspiration. Written by Myzantrope
In this story about changing seasons and changing attitudes, a newly accomplished writer faces mistakes and miseries affecting those around him, including his girlfriend, her sister, his idol, his idols daughter, and all the ex-girlfriends and enemies that lie in wait on the open streets of N...