Noo Na,一个泰国女生,醉心于日本流行文化到了一定程度,把自己打扮成最喜欢的卡通人物,模仿其语言。她痴迷于追一个日本歌手。当她得知这个歌手(Koshinaka Makoto饰演自己)会来泰国的时候,她过度的热情波及到了她与男朋友及朋友们的关系。导演Tanwarim演绎了年轻人生活中的爱与友情。
25-year-old Sibel lives with her father and sister in a secluded village in the mountains of Turkey's Black Sea region. Sibel is a mute, but she communicates by using the ancestral whistled language of the area. Rejected by her fellow villagers, she relentlessly hunts down a wolf that is...
这部青春校园恐怖偶像剧由13个互有关联的小故事组成,并由13位新人导演执导,于11月1日起逢星期六晚10点GTH on air频道播出。