A Lifetime Network movie: Stacey, is a police officer who works child abduction cases, and is suffering from PTSD due to her last case. Shortly after returning back to work Stacey's teenage daughter Sarah is abducted. Even though Stacey is too emotionally involved she may be the best cop...
两个东德小子在柏林墙倒下后携带着简单行李、少的可怜的盘缠、及更屈指可数的英语词汇量来到美国,从纽约一路费尽周折前往旧金山,一个是为了寻父,一个是 为了一睹金门大桥。受共产主义的影响,他们最喜欢的英语口头禅就是friendship,于是一路上他们逢凶化吉、奇遇无数,friendship让他们 由头至尾不离不弃。
亿万富翁Eric Benirall(Sam Neill扮演 曾出演《侏罗纪公园》《马语者》)率领一队名不见经传的科学家,试图揭开自己的货轮在百慕大沉船之谜。由Bryan Singer(X-MEN),Dean Devlin(《独立日》《哥斯拉》) , Rockne S. O‘Bannon (《银河迷返》《异形帝国》)创作并担任执行制片。其电影版剧本也一并完成。《百...
n 1989, Lara, 16, is expelled from an English boarding school for injuring a classmate. Her estranged father, Dr. Hill, an art historian, must now take her along on a research expedition across the Iron Curtain. Their destination is the Castle von Karnstein: Once an opulent 19th century mount...
In 1943, revolutionary inventor Nikola Tesla died penniless in the New Yorker Hotel. Within 24 hours the U.S. government seized everything in his room. But one design was already missing. Seventy years later in Buffalo, NY, a brilliant young engineer has found it. And the only person she can ...