Sean(Sean Hayes,曾在《威尔与格蕾丝》中饰演Jack)是个离了婚的同性恋,摆在他面前的烦恼有很多:他的事业虽然成功但是劳心费力;他的员工虽然个个很好但是全都古怪刁钻;他的母亲Lorna(Linda Lavin)虽然对他很好但是喜欢独断专行;更不用说他的宝贝女儿Ellie(Sami Isler)所提出的各种难以满足的要求!以前他...
Based on real events, the drama is told in two time frames and follows the events that led up to the murder and the drama of the trial. Ray (Barratt) and his 23-year-old brother Nathan (Tarpey) are arrested after stabbing their mother’s partner. Whatever the circumstances that have led ...