FOX宣布续订医务剧#The Resident##住院医生#第二季。
故事发生在加拿大一个偏远的山区小镇,由于这里成为石油开采地,外来人口不断增多,一些违法犯罪分子也来到此地,犯罪率不断攀升,就连吉姆·沃斯警长(Tim Roth饰)也沦为暴力事件的受害者,家庭遭受重创,随后他走上了自毁的道路,想要复仇...
《悬案密码》系列的第三部:6年前,一只在海上漂流的瓶子在苏格兰被打捞上岸,然而里面的求救信却被视为不祥之物,直到一位调查人员无意中看出了信件开头用丹麦文写着:救命!随着卡尔和两名下属的破解,他们发现署名“保罗”的作者不仅确有其人,而且在写下瓶中信后便下落不明...... 为何少年的家人不曾追究他的行踪...
Roman teenager Atti is forced to join the Roman army when one of his clever schemes falls foul of Emperor Nero. He is sent to "miserable, cold, wet Britain" where "the natives are revolting - quite literally". Things go from bad to worse when Atti is captured by Orla, a feisty teenage Celt de...
A new twist was revealed for this season changing the format of the show. In previous seasons, the two worst performing queens had to "Lip-sync for their Life" to avoid elimination. This season has the two best performing queens of the challenge "Lip-sync for their Legacy", with the winner of...