To the outside world looking in, Jack"s not well. He"s been in and out of secure units all of his young life, had every drug they can throw at him, every treatment they can think of... but nothing can make the dead go away, they always find a way through. The Messenger is the story of frustr...
Tennisons promotion to Superintendent turns out to put her in charge of an investigation and search for an abducted baby. She gets more involved in it than she intended considering that she just had an abortion. However, she turns out to be the one of most cool headed of her team when the pri...
1917年,第一次世界大战进入最激烈之际,两个年仅16岁的英国士兵接到的命令,需立即赶往死亡前线,向那里的将军传达一个“立刻停止进攻”讯息。 时间只有八小时,武器弹药有限,无人知晓前方敌况:死亡寂静之地、布满尸体的铁丝网、突如其来的敌军、随时毙命的危险境况…… 这一次两 个少年为救1600个人的性命,不完成,...