影片改编自Simon Carr的同名自传小说,这是一部令人心碎的喜剧。一个男人在第二任妻子骤然离世后必须独自抚养两个 儿子,大儿子10岁,是他和前妻生的,小儿子才5岁,这两个小男孩和一个大男人该如何面对生活,如何处理家务琐事,如何重建父子关系,这个过程充满了有趣的意外,却也令人心酸,发人深省。曾执导过《闪...
Pandemic is set in the near future, where a virus of epic proportions has overtaken the planet. There are more infected than uninfected, and humanity is losing its grip on survival. Its only hope is finding a cure and keeping the infected contained. Lauren (Rachel Nichols) is a doctor, who, a...