剧中讲述美国300年前,女巫终结了对她们的迫害但条件是她们得成为国家的战力。剧集背景设置在现代,现今年轻女性当到达18岁时会被征召,然后送入一处叫塞勒姆要塞/Fort Salem的地方学习魔法战斗。 主角是三个少女,她们身处的这个世界所重视的性别及给予的权力都是反传统的,少女们将会是面对恐怖份子的防线,用的...
It begins as a contest of strength the challenge of competition luring fighters from far away to a hilltop castle. Deathstalker leads the combatants but only to discover that the winners are disappearing one by one. Now, in his last and greatest battle, Deathstalker must defend his remaining ...
The film is a strange and anti-hero transposition of a very popular animated manga cartoon in the 80s called Stell Jeeg. Here, a young outlaw (Enzo) is somehow affected by radioactive waste in the Tiber waters in Rome. He subsequently finds out he has gained super powers and interprets them a...