Some people have bad days. Henry Altmann (Williams) has one every day. Always unhappy and angry at the world including everyone in it, Henry sits impatiently at the doctor’s office when he is finally seen by Dr. Sharon Gill (Kunis). Sharon, who is enduring her own bad day, reveals that Henry ...
在Huntington Hills 高中毕业典礼结束后,毕业生们的真正狂欢开始了:派对上充斥着形形色色的小混混,运动型猛男,书呆子,hip-hop青年,舞场皇后和豪放女,而随着气氛推进,一些被压抑数年的情感开始不受控制地爆发:爱做作家梦的Preston Meyers第二天就要奔赴波士顿,他从刚入学开始就暗恋Amanda Beckett,这种感...