Fans flock to a festival celebrating the most iconic horror movies, only to discover that the charismatic showman behind the event has a diabolical agenda. As festival attendees start dying off, three teenagers - more schooled in horror-film cliches than practical knowledge about neutralizing...
Meeting his girlfriends family for the first time, Ryan must prove his intentions with their daughter, Sarah, and win the approval of her father, Greg. All the while masking his jealousy for Sarahs ex-fling, Tyler. As the Christmas celebrations and traditions begin, things start to happen aro...
一个年轻漂亮的女巫Elaine, 决定去找个爱她的男人。她在她的维多利亚风格的公寓里制作魔法药水和魔咒,然后挑选一些男人诱惑他们。然而她的咒语太有效了,止于用绳子勒死一个不幸的受害者。当她终于遇到心目中的男人时,她对爱的渴望令她走向了精神失常的边缘以及谋杀……
A young family moves to South America as the wife takes over her fathers manufacturing plant in the area. They soon find themselves haunted by the ghosts of young children, leading them to a dark history and sinister behavior on the part of an American company.