Following the murder of her family at the hands of her father in the wake of World War I, a young woman is sent to live in a convent. However, her demons follow and manifest themselves in ways which bring the nightmares of her past with her.
默默无名的英国特工Eye(Ewan McGregor 饰)在美国花费了十多年的时间遮蔽一位女士Joanna——她被怀疑是多名凶杀案的凶手,被杀害的总是男士Eye的妻女已经死去,但是女儿的幻觉却时时出现。Joanna与他的女儿几乎有着同样的身世——在圣诞节被父亲抛弃、孤独地长大——她还有着出众的美貌和难以言喻的魅力,她热衷乔装打扮...