RUSSELL MADNESS tells the story of Russell, an undersized but big-hearted terrier who dreams of having a family of his own. After running away from his pet store, Russell gets taken in by The Ferraros, a family desperate to revive their grandfather's pro wrestling arena. That's when t...
When Miss Marple and Mr. Stringer are soliciting for their charity that benefits paroled convicts, they call on the home of wealthy Mr. Enderby. They are shocked to witness his heart failure culminating in his fall down the stairs to his death. Miss Marple suspects that someone "frightened hi...
The 5×60 series, which has begun filming in Northern Ireland, is produced by Origin Pictures and is adapted by Fiona Seres. David Thompson exec produces along with BBC’s Sarah Stack while Sarah Curtis produces. Black Mirror and Humans helmer Carl Tibbetts is set to direct. Story follows Walte...