Harry Callahan - or Dirty Harry as he is known from the previous four movies in this series - is investigating a strange betting game. A list of local celebrities has been handed out, and bets are being taken on who will be the first to die. Things start to get interesting when the name Harry...
昊天仙帝, 又号“林昊天”,被人陷害轮回后,转世到了大武王朝一名叫做林缺的少年身上。林缺父亲早亡,一家被本家亲戚排斥,不得不搬离家族。虽处境艰难,却并不气馁。带着前世的记忆,林缺踏上了修行之途。修为进展神速,先后击败了圣火教中的赵彪,公孙泰两大高手,随着修为不断上升,无数强者接踵而至,林缺势如破...