原本主办杰克逊告别演唱会的AEG Live公司,在他生前彩排时侧录数百小时的影片,经过精选剪辑,配上幕后花絮,完整呈现杰克逊生前对演唱会的选曲、舞蹈、舞台设计、编舞、音乐、灯光等每个环节事必躬亲参与并提供创意。 2009年6月25日,一位全球瞩目的流行音乐天王的生命仓促的画上了终点,而在这之前,这位天王刚刚...
Fringe is a remarkably creative series that has set the bar as one of television’s most imaginative dramas. Bringing it back for a final 13 allows us to provide the climactic conclusion that its passionate and loyal fans deserve. The amazing work the producers, writers and the incredibly tale...