After the loss of his wife, BILL PONDER (Simmons) and his 17-year-old son WES move out of their small town into the big city in an attempt to have a fresh start. As they each begin to adjust to their new life and seek ways to heal their wounds, they both find comfort in newfound romance. Wes...
美丽的姑娘丽莎(苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)和祖母一同居住在卢浮宫对面的大楼。卢浮宫的修葺工程使老旧的大楼常出问题,丽莎因此结识了善良的电工小伙马丁(弗雷德里克·迪方多 Frédéric Diefenthal 饰)。某次的施工无意中打通了卢浮宫地道与大厦的电梯间,丽莎与马丁因此夜入卢浮宫,走进了科学家们研究古埃及...
黎巴嫩小村庄里的少年拉比,虽然双眼全盲却深具音乐天赋,因出国演 出需申请新护照,意外发现自己的身份证明是伪造!惊觉自己活在谎言 之中的惊恐与愤怒席卷而来,无论少年如何追问,却无人能说明真相。 在中东民谣的悠扬乐音中,少年唱出淡然却真切的哀伤及惆怅。导演透过盲眼者的比喻,影射黎巴嫩被战争撕裂及毁灭...