The series chronicle around the lives of four unapologetically flawed women who have their own share of thick and thin of life yet empower each other.[4] Damini,the very successful journalist and start up founder wins four “fearless journalist” awards in a row despite the board posing hindran...
The tenth and final season of long-running British espionage thriller "MI-5" sees Harry return to his post as head of Section D, wherein his Russian opposite Ilya Gavrik (Jonathan Hyde) proposes a strategic partnership between their countries. New "spooks" Erin Watts (Lara Pulver) and Calum R...
蒸蒸日上的美国网络视频公司网飞(Netflix)为不幸的“雷蒙·斯尼奇”带来了命运的转机,据悉他们即将开发一套同名真人家庭电视剧集,继续讲述三个孤儿和他们邪恶的监护人——奥拉夫伯爵(Count Olaf)的故事。目前这套剧集已经步入筹备的快车道,网飞公司将和派拉蒙电视公司一同制作该剧。 《雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险》根...
In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil- and gas-production in the North Sea.