Boozy, brassy Apple Annie, a beggar with a basket of apples, is as much as part of downtown New York as old Broadway itself. Bootlegger Dave the Dude is a sucker for her apples --- he thinks they bring him luck. But Dave and girlfriend Queenie Martin need a lot more than luck when it turns o...
When Nick's girlfriend dumps him at graduation, he has a colossal meltdown in front of the entire university. He's convinced his life is over, but his best mate Shane has the perfect solution: three days at an epic music festival. With the help of "festival aficionado" and certified oddball A...
比阿特丽斯是一个胡话连篇的人,自称是一个与世界各国的大咖有密切往来并有亿万财产的伯爵夫人。唐纳特拉是一个安静的纹有纹身的女人,禁锢在自己的神秘里无法自拔。她们都是精神病人,在精神病院里遭受软禁。 保罗维尔奇这部新片讲述了她们之间出乎意料的友谊,和在逃离精神病院的冒险过程中这两个疯子不断在这个露...
某个假期,斯科特(迪万·格雷 Devon Graye 饰)、布莱恩(维斯·查塔姆 Wes Chatham 饰)、克里斯(C·J·托马森 C.J. Thomason 饰)、娜塔莉(Tammin Sursok 饰)、强尼(本·伊斯特 Ben Easter 饰)等5个好友驱车外出游玩。在行驶到一片玉米地附近,他们的挡风玻璃突然遭到乌鸦的撞击,慌乱之中汽车摔到路边。待众人醒...