影片讲述公交车司机弗兰茨是个赌鬼,他一直期待生活中会有好运出现。一个貌似偶然的机会,美丽的女骗子莱拉闯入了弗兰茨的生活;一个巧合又让两人一同卷入一场芯片争夺战之中,而这小小的芯片足以摧毁当今政坛的重要人物。两人在逃跑途中受到神秘侦探马蒂拉的帮助,而马蒂拉自己却打着如意算盘…… 一块芯片引发两股势...
During shopping for Christmas, Frank and Molly run into each other. This fleeting short moment will start to change their lives, when they recognize each other months later in the train home and have a good time together. Although both are married and Frank has two little kids, they meet more...