联邦调查局干员莫杰克(席维斯·史特龙饰演)同事被连续杀人犯所杀;当他女友玛莉(黛娜梅耶饰演)也遭此凶手杀害,杰克陷入崩溃。他得知凶手杀害玛莉,其实是冲他而来,让他无法救玛莉的遗憾,折磨他一生;于是这位昔日自信满满的干员,开始藉酒浇愁。 玛莉死后,杰克天天泡在警察常聚会的酒吧。朋友查理(查尔士达...
朱利奧(皮耶法蘭西斯柯法維諾 飾)、潔瑪(米卡葉拉拉瑪佐蒂 飾)、保羅(吉姆羅斯斯圖爾特 飾)和里卡多(克勞迪奧桑塔馬利亞 飾)四個人在80年代的意大利相遇,並成為彼此生命中不可或缺的親密的摯友。本片敘述四人長達40年的生命故事,在他們交織的情感裡,四位好友如何面對人生裡的愛情、志向,以及生活中成功...
Lhistoire vraie de Madame Claude, patronne dun réseau de call girls qui "exercent" leurs talents pour de hauts dignitaires et fonctionnaires du gouvernement. Certains dentre eux vont subir un chantage, car David, photographe de métier, possède des images de ces messieurs et dames dans des pos...
After being exiled from Afghanistan, a former war journalist settles in a small town in northern California and takes a job with a local newspaper. But when he attempts to cover local crime, he stumbles into local corruption that puts himself and others in danger.
Created by Jess Brittain (Skins), Clique is a brand new six-part drama which sees two best friends – Holly and Georgia - drawn into an elite clique of alpha girls led by lecturer Jude McDermid in their first few weeks at university.In her television debut, Synnove Karlsen will star as Holly a...