四名勇敢者再次穿越回到险象环生的游戏世界中,开启全新冒险。与上次不同的是,变身勇石博士 (道恩·强森 饰) 的是斯潘瑟的外公,外公的好友则变身为语言学家 (凯文· 哈特 饰),高大威猛的弗里奇变成了中...
As the daughter of an underground hip-hop legend who died right before he hit big, Bri’s got massive shoes to fill. But it’s hard as she is labeled a hoodlum at school, and faces financial crisis after her mom loses her job. So Bri pours her anger and frustration into her first song, which g...
两个不识彼此的青少年,少男终日沉迷电玩,少女则是身怀六甲,孤独是两人唯一的共通点;为了金钱,他们钻律法漏洞,假扮夫妻,好让婴孩未来过继给少男不孕的叔叔。疏离的两人,尽管共处一室还是少有交集;随着婴儿意外早产,他们被迫拉近距离,多了怀抱里的婴孩,生活突然有了温度。在满室寂 寞之中,爱的声音已悄...
Vincent和Antoine都是狂热的乐迷,两人靠到处做工地秀苦苦支撑着一个小小的演艺公司。眼看生计难以为继,Vincent家中的一个小小皮盒给了他们创业灵感:Jeanne Mas, Jean-Luc Lahaye, Lio, Desireless, Peter Sloane, Fran?ois Feldman, Début de soirée, Images, Cookie Dingler, Sabrina, Gilbert Montagné... 里面...