The indomitable DCI Vera Stanhope returns to face a number of daunting cases. Aided by troubled new recruit DS Aiden Healy (Kenny Doughty), they investigate a deadly blaze at a coastal caravan park, unearth a thirty-year-old mystery in an old mining community, delve into the tragic last month...
When a group of college students take part in a clinical drug trial, an unexpected side effect of the experimental medicine gives them terrifying visions of their own deaths...which begin to come true. As they scramble to escape their fate, they discover that the killer is among them and shar...
苏珊娜(克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 饰)是个拥有优渥生活的中年妇女,她的丈夫是小有名气的牙医,并且正在慢慢涉足政治仕途,她有一双乖巧儿女,她自己也在努力重返事业——成为理疗师。这样的生活似乎可以永久持续下去,但一切随着伊万(塞吉·洛佩兹 饰)的到来土崩瓦解。伊万是个随处打工的西班牙建筑工人,帮苏珊娜家...
中土最后一座矮人王国埃尔波尔,巍峨壮丽,庄严雄伟。老国王索尔积聚大量财富,却引来恶龙史茅革的觊觎和荼毒,最终导致这座城池陷落。许多年后,灰袍巫师甘道夫(伊恩·麦凯伦 Ian McKellen 饰)找到弗罗多的舅舅——霍比特人比尔博·巴金斯(马丁·弗里曼 Martin John C. Freeman 饰),邀请他加入由13名矮人组成的远征...
Partenope(意语拼法),她和她的城市同名,但她不属于海妖或神话人物。从1950年出生到现在,她漫长的一生体现了人类存在的全部色彩:青春的快乐和消逝,古典美的时过境迁,无意义和不可及的爱恋,平淡的调情和疯狂的激情,卡普里岛上的月夜之吻,幸福的瞬间和痛苦的延续,真实和虚构的父亲 ,结束和新的开始。还有许...