When Outlaws on the lam invade the home of an unsuspecting, seemingly innocent, frontier family to hide out for the night, an unexpected game of cat and mouse ensues, leading to seduction, role reversal, and ultimately, bloody revenge. 当亡命徒闯入毫无防备,看似无辜的家,身居边境的家庭趁夜逃...
电影围绕着被挂科的心理学学生弗朗西斯科?哈维尔?加拉尔达和他的心理学教授埃斯皮诺萨之间展开,这部新式西班牙恐怖片故事惊险有趣,并从心理学教授埃斯皮诺萨的角度对生活的真相和罪恶感进行了探讨。 弗朗西斯科?加拉尔达在大学的最后一个学期因挂科而无法毕业,他的心理学教授埃斯皮诺萨只给了他4分并要求他重修。...
Bruno is an architect who has a perfect life: A nice family and a good job. Anyway, Bruno has a deep sense of unease. He decides to leave his wife to be alone and have time to find him self. A business man offers him to build an iconic landmark in Santiago city. Motivated by this professional...