迪士尼将动画片《匹诺曹》(Pinocchio)改编成真人电影,由罗伯特·泽米吉斯(《阿甘正传》《回到未来》)执导。 迪士尼1940年版动画片《匹诺曹》(Pinocchio)是根据意大利作家卡洛·科洛迪(Carlo Collodi)的《木偶奇遇记》(The Adventures Of Pinocchio)改编的,曾获两项奥斯卡奖。故事主要讲述老木匠杰佩托(G...
After becoming indebted to a psychopathic drug lord, three desperate young men are forced to commit a brazen robbery. What begins as a simple plan—"in and out in seven minutes"—quickly escalates into a dangerous game of life or death. As each minute of the heist ticks by, true motives are rev...