ITV has commissioned the epic and compelling story of Howard Carter’s discovery of the tomb of one of Ancient Egypt’s forgotten pharaohs, the boy-king Tutankhamun. Set against the great sweep of ochre sands, looming cliffs and baking heat of Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, the story unfolds from...
每一天美国总统都要面对数百个关乎生死的重大决定,但这些重大国际危机和国际事件处理起来总得有个轻重缓急——这便是顶级中情局分析师Charleston “Charlie” Whitney Tucker(Katherine Heigl,《实习医生格蕾》)的主要任务。作为美国总统的特别顾问兼联络官,她负责召集一个团队向总统做每日简报(President’s Daily...