The story is about an aliens that live quietly on the ocean floor until they are compelled to destroy humanity after their eco-system is disrupted by pollution. Scientists race to stave off an apocalypse. The book was a huge bestseller in Germany and other European countries. While the likes...
这是一部传记电影。雷?查尔斯(杰米?福克斯 Jamie Foxx 饰)出生在一个贫穷的黑人家庭,因缺乏必要医疗条件,年少的查尔斯就因青光眼丧失了视力。然而,在母亲言传身教下,小查尔斯没有从此自暴自弃,而是很快熟悉了盲文,并通过盲文接触了他人生的第一个乐谱。 查尔斯很快就在音乐上展现出了他过人的天赋。他的很多...