Noel Coward's attempt to show how the ordinary people lived between the wars. Just after WWI the Gibbons family moves to a nice house in the suburbs. An ordinary sort of life is led by the family through the years with average number of triumphs and disasters until the outbreak of WWII.
A heavy summer storm brings a touring horse circus to Kaltenbach, the stud farm where Ari now calls home. Ari finds friendship in the circus boy Carlo and gets introduced to the fascinating world of trick riding. Soon Ari notices that the show horse Hurricane, aging and injured, is still bei...
全新五集纪录片剧集《鸠占鹊巢:史上最糟室友》由 Blumhouse Television 打造,讲述了四个悲惨故事:对毫无戒心的受害者来说,当看似无害的室友露出恶意甚至暴力的真面目,他们将会成为现实生活中的噩梦。这些令人不安的真实故事记录了潜伏在家中的威胁。