Unlike his expectations, Hyeong-min is always miserable because of his wife who who doesnt care about him. To recover a sex life with his wife, Hyeong-min tries every night but hes always coldly rejected and this is making him depressed. One day, he goes out for some air and meets Hye-jin. Wh...
拉丁乐团最玩世不恭的女歌手,她曾是墨西哥传奇女画家芙烈达卡萝的闺蜜情人、和好莱坞女神艾娃嘉纳有过一段情。她是大导演阿莫多瓦的音乐缪思、拉丁乐坛史上最玩世不恭的灵魂歌者。她是每唱一次歌,就要死过一次的查维拉·瓦尔加斯(Chavela Vargas,1919-2012)。江湖流传她的八卦太辛辣。她不畏保守风气,一反唱片...
‘Kim Kwangseok’ is a very well known folk rock singer in South Korea. He is known to have committed suicide in 1996. There are still many theories concerning his death, but not one of them is definitive. This is a documentary that explores the truth that must not be left out of his life and m...
Against the backdrop of wars in France, the English nobility quarrel. News of the English defeat at Orleans reaches the duke of Gloucester and other nobles. After the funeral of Henry V, his son, the infant Henry VI, is proclaimed king.Seventeen years later, Henry sits on the throne whilst th...