御柱祭为何?如果你百度一下,会得到它其实就是把大木头从山上运到神社的祭典这样一个答案。或者你查的更深入一点,会发现,7年一次、30万人、历时一月、仅凭人力这些关键词。但是如果仅凭这些文字,你会不会有“兴师动众,劳民伤财”这种印象? 在讲求效率的现代社会,用人力曵行重达几吨的巨木,几十公里,这种行为...
New York City: Inside Out episodes New York City is dependent on complex transportation, a huge amount of electricity and a water and waste system sufficient enough to cope with the rising demand. Read more... Transportation: The city of New York would come to a screeching halt without its co...
Mysteries abound in the life of John McAfee. He made millions creating antivirus software, then reinvented himself as a yogi, a proponent of herbal medicine, and a serial entrepreneur. He was known for his charm and generosity. Then his life took another turn. He moved from the US to Belize a...