Season 5 finds Murder, She Wrotes intrepid Jessica Fletcher in fine sleuthing form, and venturing farther afield from Cabot Cove--a good thing, since at the rate the murders have been happening, that town would be nearly cleaned out. Some of the best episodes take place in more exotic locales...
故事主要讲述的是二战中,一个年轻人从华沙犹太人管制居住区逃跑出来,加入了波兰抵抗运动,并爱上了一个地方组织的领导人,同时为自由和爱情而战。在被德国占领的波兰,年轻一代长大了。Stach(塔德乌什·洛姆尼茨基 饰)就是其中一个,他和朋友们起初只是自发地从事危险的抵抗活动,总的来说是无组织无目的。后来在...