Single-mother Sandra (Clare Dunne) escapes her abusive partner with her two young children, only to find herself trapped in temporary accommodation. After months of struggling, she draws inspiration from one of her daughter’s bedtime stories and hits upon the idea of self-building an afforda...
1959年,切?格瓦拉(Benicio Del Toro本尼西奥?德尔?托罗 饰)与菲德尔?卡斯特罗(Rodrigo Santoro 罗德里格?桑托罗 饰)率领的游击队组织“七二六运动”终于推翻巴蒂斯塔政权,在古巴建立了新政府。然随着时间的推移,切和菲德尔在治国理念上逐渐发生分歧,最终他辞去政府中的要职,并放弃家庭和古巴公民的身份,再...