A young man, Peter, returns to Austria in search of his heritage. There he visits the castle of an ancestor, a sadistic Baron who was cursed to a violent death by a witch whom the Baron had burned at the stake. Peter reads aloud the incantation that causes Baron Blood to return and continue ...
A psychological drama centered around world-famous turn-of-the-century photographer, Eadweard Muybridge who photographed nude and deformed subjects, became the godfather of cinema, murdered his wife's lover, and was the last American to receive the justifiable homicide verdict.
马西莫·托里塞利是一个西西里黑手党家族的年轻英俊的老板,在他的父亲被暗杀后,他别无选择,只能接掌位子。劳拉·贝尔是一家豪华酒店的总监,事业有成,但私生活却缺乏激情,她努力来挽救人际关系,和朋友一起去西西里岛旅行。劳拉没有料到岛上最危险的人马西莫会绑架她,囚禁她,给她365天时间爱上他。《365 dni》是...
In Josh Sternfeld's meticulously crafted murder mystery, a Catskills police detective (Nick Stahl) charged with investigating a juvenile homicide in an affluent suburb finds he must return to his struggling hometown of Caswell to find the killers. As his investigation picks up intensity, the ...
波丽娜从小学习古典舞蹈,完美主义大师波金斯基的得意门生,前途无可限量。如所有古典舞者,莫斯科大剧院芭蕾舞团从来是心中圣殿,直至遇上现代舞让目标加上问号,波丽娜顷刻心乱如麻。 波丽娜不惜放下一切搬到法国跟随著名编舞家,尽管下定决心奋力练习至近乎痴迷却卡在瓶颈无法突破。波丽娜再次迁往他方,寻找新机...